About Us



UpShot, Inc. was formed by a small group of partners with a vision to fill a very specific need for those working with management system standards. The need is to have available, an affordable and reliable management system application tool that can be used to ensure conformity. To this end, by combining our expertise and resources, UpShot, Inc. now brings you some very practical solutions.


Upshot, Inc. provides organizations with straight-to-the-point MS applications for the purpose of achieving and maintaining third party certification. Each ConformanceWare® Edition is designed to be in full conformance with the various requirements of nationally and internationally (ISO) recognized management system standards.

Industries Served


Our design team has over 45 years of combined experience in developing management systems, which includes documentation, auditing and training used to meet the intended requirements of multiple industry standards in various disciplines.


  • Aerospace
  • Alternative/Renewable Energy- Wind, Solar, Geo-Thermal, Hydro and Bio-Fuels
  • Automotive
  • Chemical, Plastic and Metal Scrap Recycling
  • Drilling Components-Oil and Gas
  • Electronics Refurbishing/Recycling, ITAD, Telecom Reverse Logistics
  • Energy and Environmental Conservation
  • Food Safety
  • General Services Corporations
  • Heat Treating, Plating and Coating
  • Injection Molding
  • Laboratory Services-Testing and Calibration
  • Language Services (Translation, Interpretation and Localization)
  • Machining-NC/CNC and Laser cutting
  • Manufacturing
  • Medical Device
  • Metal Stamping, Fabrication and Tool and Die
  • NGO’s & Not-for-Profit
  • Private Sector Preparedness-PS-Prep
  • Shipping and Transportation
  • Storage and Warehousing


Find out what are clients are saying...

Vanessa C. Wagenknecht

Translation Specialist
Verbatim Languages, Inc.

Orland, FL

"...a complete and impeccably structured
ISO 17100 management system...
I am so happy with the service! "

TSMSv3 Edition

"I came across Upshot/ConformanceWare® while searching for a firm that would guide me towards iso 17100 certification. Mike Shea was very familiar with the specific standard. I was impressed by all the direction and specifics he offered compared to other vendors that wanted to add more standards to the package. Kem McDowell had me fill out a questionnaire and within a couple of weeks, Mark Messler, sent me a complete and impeccably structured ISO 17100 management system, and scheduled a walk through on WebEx. I reviewed the system and brought up specific concerns regarding compliance, which Mark quickly addressed, seamlessly adding relevant procedures and wording to customize the system to our specific needs. After 3 Webex sessions, he is still available to me for any additional questions or needs that may come up while we prepare for the audit. I am convinced the team will see my project through up until my company receives iso 17100 certification. I love that he offered his 40 years of experience as an auditor to guide me through all auditing steps and several scenarios so that I would be prepared for any issues or questions the auditor may bring up. I am so happy with the service!"

Nidal Y. Allis

President and CEO

Aurora, CO

"I can't imagine having our certs or going through the Audit without ConformanceWare®. "

EEv3 Edition

"Honestly, I can't say enough about ConformanceWare® and the service and support that comes with it. We just completed our fourth annual certification audit and at this point, I can't imagine having our certs or going through the Audit without ConformanceWare®. Also, the service and support from Michael Shea and Mark Messler has been Huge in our success.

With no hesitation, I highly recommend you go with ConformanceWare®. It's worth the expense for what you save in the long run, including and especially peace of mind."

Andy Bates

Director of Business Development
The Wireless Alliance

Denver, CO

"Overall, I would highly recommend the package to any small business with a management system. "

EEv3 Edition

"We have been very pleased with the AIM Program and support, and have been using the ConformanceWare® Management System with great success since Q1 of 2014. The Cloud Bundle option has also allowed us to integrate our EH&S-MS with other cloud based applications, such as calendars, Project Management, CRM, Audio/Video media for Training, 3rd Party Auditor access, audit trail, and file-sharing. It has opened new doors regarding company communication and productivity, and we are constantly finding news ways to utilize the service. Overall, I would highly recommend the package to any small business with a management system."

Christopher Regis

Operations Manager
SBK | Green Century Electronics Recycling

Portland, OR

"The system has proven to be a valuable asset in our day to day operation..."

EEv3 Edition

"I wanted to thank you for your continued AIM Program support and guidance as we move our systems into ConformanceWare®. The system has proven to be a valuable asset in our day to day operation and made the process of
annual audits easier to navigate. Thanks again."

Robert Getz

Purchasing/Quality Manager
Mean Green E-Cyclers LLC

Ocala, FL

"...intuitive and simple to use..."

EEv3 Edition

"Using the ConformanceWare® Management System along with the cloud bundle has made compliance a snap! The support mechanisms they build in make the overall system intuitive and simple to use."

Vince Gusbar

JVS Environmental, LLP

Friedens, PA

"...the perfect program for the small business owner that's not afraid to take on the big challenge of certification."

EEv3 Edition

"I was very pleased with the quality and service provided by ConformanceWare® coupled with the cloud bundle. It allowed my small company to achieve high standards of certification and was very straightforward to facilitate. This is the perfect program for the small business owner that's not afraid to take on the big challenge of certification."

Trish Swann

EHS Manager
QCB Company Inc.

"I love ConformanceWare®! ... I was able to do a complete overhaul of our current system, including updates for R2:2013, integrate it with our company cloud and educate my employees to the new system in 3 months."

EEv3 Edition

"I love ConformanceWare®!


Love is a strong word and rarely used in business, but I am unable to find a suitable word to replace it. It is such an easy and natural system to use that I can only use love to describe it. ConformanceWare® is so easy to use that it could have been called ComfortableWare. I know that your organization is familiar with my story but I would like to tell you in more detail my experience with your product.


Our ConformanceWare® Story:


I incorporated ConformanceWare® into our standing system December 2013. We had been in business 10 years so it was going to be a difficult task to get my father (our CEO, who is currently 74) to get on board with the idea of actually documenting business practices. He is very “old school” and has difficulty embracing new ideas. Our project manager purchased consulting July 2012. He was unable to complete the project due to personal issues so my father asked me to come and help. I left my job as a nurse and took over the project in November 2012. Our consulting agreement with AccessQMS was for minimal guidance through Skype meetings and delivery of an integrated written management system. That written system was a ConformanceWare rough draft of sorts and had similar elements to the finished product. I was an RN with zero training or knowledge in the field of standards. To be honest, when my father asked me to help him I had to Google ISO14001 because I had no idea what it even meant. The project fell into my lap by necessity so I just grabbed the reins and dove in head first.


I had a March 2013 deadline for compliance or our family company was in danger of losing our largest contract. ConformanceWare® or rather it’s infant beginnings was my only guide. It was so easy to understand in the format that it was presented. Due to the layout, organization and ease of the written system, I was able to use it, talk about it and conform my company to it like a professional in just a few months. By my 4 month deadline in March 2013, I felt confident enough to work with the auditor and really KNOW what I was talking about when he asked the questions about our system.


We passed our certification audit with ZERO non-conformance. I was so proud when those certificates arrived and I knew that our management system was flawless. Our small family company was ISO14001, OSHAS18001 and R2 certified. With the help of ConformanceWare we not only met the goals of the contract requirements but had the competitive edge with other companies through standardization. The auditor was so thrilled to see an integrated system that was easy to follow, complete in nature and easy enough that our company truly understood it and used it on a daily basis. It was beautifully written with all the certification jargon, pomp and circumstance to make our certification auditor happy, yet was in a usable format so that everyone in our organization could utilize it. My father even got on board. He refers to the Feasibility Study process as “making sure the juice is worth the squeeze” but he understands it and can describe his solid business practices to the auditor or anyone for that matter in standards language. Through this system he can make the connection between old school practicality and modern business standards for success. Our small family company has the certifications to help us compete with larger companies in our industry, or as my dad would simply state “We can run with the big dogs now”.


When AccessQMS called me in December 2013 with the announcement of official ConformanceWare® release I was thrilled. I knew that the written format they use was great and the ConformanceWare design had the added electronic touches that made an already good system incredible. I was able to do a complete overhaul of our current system, including updates for R2:2013, integrate it with our company cloud and educate my employees to the new system in 3 months. The auditor this year was very impressed with our system. He said he had never had an audit go so smoothly. We were able to pass our audit with zero non-conformance for a second consecutive year. ConformanceWare® and the ease of cloud integration makes maintenance effortless. My employees have sign on accounts with shared documents, therefore all of the documentation for the system is in one central location accessible to the employees based on permissions. The documents are secure and encrypted with backup services. Documentation and records is an internal process for storage that I developed and ConformanceWare® fits into that process nicely. It was easy enough that we do not have an IT person. I do all the cloud and Management system maintenance myself.


Simply stated….I LOVE ConformanceWare®!


Thank you for your product."