Electronics Downstream Vendor Edition v3

The Electronics DV Edition v3.0 (EDVv3) is for organizations struggling to grow their business without certification. It fulfills all R2:2013 downstream requirements and provides the same EHSMS documentation upstream clients expect from their certified downstream vendors. As a bridge to certification, the EDVv3 is an affordable solution that reduces paperwork
and produces evidence of your downstream conformance in record time with minimal effort.




Daily operation of an efficient management system requires a way to easily navigate and manage all of your documentation. To achieve this, ConformanceWare® is structured with pre-defined file directories and comes with
three key components:   Everyday Docs, Mentor and Tech Tools


Tech Tools is your library for forms and workbooks used to create records for the management system.

Everyday Docs is your library for all documents and records used in the daily operation of the management system.

Mentor is your library for all training materials used to ensure personnel are trained and competent to perform the various management system functions and conformance requirements.



Feature rich for ease of use...


  • (Quality) Environmental Health and Safety (Operations) Manual
  • Quick Links map to get you to the directory you want fast
  • Hyperlinks throughout documentation for instant access to referenced processes, supplemental processes, procedures, work instructions, training and/or forms
  • 5 Processes written to fulfill downstream vendor requirements that describe step-by-step how each process operates from concept through delivery (Processes can be added, altered and/or customized)
  • 3 Supplemental Processes written to fulfill requirements that describe step-by-step how the supplemental process operates and documents additional requirements that may be relevant to the attached processes at the time of use (Supplemental Processes can be added, altered and/or customized)
  • 11 Procedures written to fulfill the requirements set by the R2:2013 standard that describes how to handle each specific requirement and various situations or departures from the normal operational process (Procedures can be added, altered and/or customized)
  • 10 Detailed Forms specifically designed for use in recording conformance with the system or requirements as direct objective evidence of conformance to the downstream vendor system, requirements or legal requirements
  • Job Description blank form with direction on what information is required to comply with the requirements for job descriptions
  • Instruction blank form with direction on what information is required to comply with the requirements for instructions
  • Aspects, Impacts Risk Assessment and Control Plan (EHS-AIRA) Workbook
  • Focus Material Management Plan (EHS-FMMP) Workbook
  • Upstream Verification of Downstream Vendor Requirements and Warrant specifically designed to significantly reduce the extensive documentation required to provide evidence of fulfillment of the downstream vendor requirements in the R2:2013 Standard.
  • Crosswalk DVEHS Self-Assessment Checklists
Key Elements


As part of your MS documentation, ConformanceWare® includes area specific workbooks geared to save time and reduce paperwork. Each workbook compiles data into one place for instant retrieval, which eliminates the need for using multiple forms.


In key areas of the management system, each workbook serves as a one stop document spreadsheet that holds specific and necessary information required for certification. This enables the system to run more efficiently and gives the CB auditor the means to easily find and verify the information they’re looking for.


AIRA Workbook - The AIRA workbook addresses the processing aspects and the impacts of those aspects by assigning a risk score to environmental, health, safety and legal areas to obtain an overall risk score. The workbook also includes a Control (Quality) Plan sheet. For each aspect listed in the EHS-AIRA, the Control (Quality) Plan addresses all the requirements necessary to perform the aspect and reactions to any Environmental, Health and/or Safety issues that may arise. Finally, all associated legal requirements are listed in the Legal sheet of the workbook.


FMMP Workbook - The FMMP workbook addresses all Focus Materials called out in the R2 Standard. The EHS-FMMP addresses the controls and risk associated with each Focus Material. The EHS-FMMP also lists all downstream vendors receiving the Focus Materials, their certifications to the relevant standards or proper vetting by the company or other entity. Additionally, for due diligence to all personnel, the workbook includes a Basel Wastes sheet listing all hazardous wastes determine by the Basel Convention and the US Legal requirements for monitoring and exposure. The Locations sheet lists where the various hazardous wastes are located in the various electronic devices.

Delivery Options


For your convenience, ConformanceWare® is available with two delivery options to best suit your needs. Our standard version is geared for in house use and our cloud based version is for organizations that want greater flexibility and additional business features.


ConformanceWare® Standard Local System - Upon completion, all ConformanceWare® management systems are available for download via Dropbox. When Dropbox sends notification, you simply follow the link and download your MS to a Local PC or Local Area Network.


ConformanceWare® Cloud Bundle – Having a cloud-based MS has become the preferred option for our clients. You receive your MS configured and uploaded to your very own highly secure and private online portal. This allows for instant access to perform management system functions anytime, anywhere on any WiFi device. With this global network in place, you can successfully coordinate, synchronize and accomplish daily activities in alignment with your business operation and Management System definitions.


Additional cloud features to assist with everyday business functions include:


  • Online Document Viewer/Editor
  • Online Spreadsheet Viewer/Editor
  • Online Presentation Viewer/Editor
  • Project Management toolset
  • Gantt Chart
  • CRM and Invoicing
  • Online Office Apps
  • Email Aggregator
  • Business Collaboration Tools
  • Calendar


Data Safe Security:


  • Files are stored using 256-bit AES encryption and the portal access is allowed through the HTTP with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
  • Two-step verification option available for additional security and portal protection
  • Hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) providing 99,99999% stability guarantee and operating in compliance with highest industry standards for security
  • Guaranteed automatic backup of 10 days with the option for offline archiving and manual backup
  • Rights to set permissions to users for specific modules and operations
AIM Programs


The support you need...


When making the investment to become certified, some of you are entering unfamiliar territory. You may be overwhelmed by the fact that while learning how to fully understand the certification process, you must simultaneously continue to successfully run your business.


ConformanceWare® is designed to demystify this process and put you at ease. To ensure first time success, ConformanceWare® provides the kind of support you expect to go along with it.


ConformanceWare® includes three distinct levels of consulting support. With it, you receive your choice of support services from a management system expert combined with a fully functional MS all in one package. To get you up and running quickly, we apply our Accelerated Integration Method (AIM) to offer you the following affordable programs:


ConformanceWare® - AIM Program

ConformanceWare® - AIM Program Plus

ConformanceWare® - AIM Program Premium


Each AIM Program option is intensively designed to have your ConformanceWare® MS configured, customized and ready for implementation within 35 business days or less.


Every AIM Plus and AIM Premium option extends additional services to include varying degrees of Internal Audit Facilitation, Management Review, and Stage One and Stage Two certification body audit assistance. You can also mix and match these additional services to suit your needs and budget.


To eliminate travel costs, MS consultation is conducted by a ConformanceWare® Integration Specialist (CIS) using WebEx for live interaction when holding workshops to exchange information, review and finalize system documentation, and plan for MS roll-out and implementation.